Black Poppies: The Story of Britain's Black Community in the First World War

Did you know that Black people from around the world helped Britain fight in the First World War? How heroic were the people who fought? Why did Black people have to keep fighting for equality even after the war? In this young readers' edition of Black Poppies, Stephen Bourne takes us on a hero-filled journey. Explore the many and extraordinary ways in which Black people helped Britain fight the First World War, on the battlefield and at home. After meeting Stephen's Aunty Esther, we hear the story of Walter Tull, who led soldiers in some of history's bloodiest battles and died in the fighting just weeks before the conflict would end. Then there is Alhaji Grunshi, an African who... alles anzeigen expand_more

Did you know that Black people from around the world helped Britain fight in the First World War?

How heroic were the people who fought?

Why did Black people have to keep fighting for equality even after the war?

In this young readers' edition of Black Poppies, Stephen Bourne takes us on a hero-filled journey. Explore the many and extraordinary ways in which Black people helped Britain fight the First World War, on the battlefield and at home. After meeting Stephen's Aunty Esther, we hear the story of Walter Tull, who led soldiers in some of history's bloodiest battles and died in the fighting just weeks before the conflict would end. Then there is Alhaji Grunshi, an African who fired the first shot of the whole war. Back at home, Black men and women helped by entertaining the people, making materials like bullets and uniforms, and beginning the long fight for equality and the freedom to celebrate being Black and British with pride.

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  • SW9781803991511110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781803991511110164
  • Autor find_in_page Stephen Bourne
  • Autoreninformationen STEPHEN BOURNE is the author of several books on the subject of… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page The History Press
  • Seitenzahl 192
  • Veröffentlichung 22.09.2022
  • ISBN 9781803991511

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