The Identity Man

A nationwide manhunt is underway for John Shannon, a petty criminal framed for murder. But he's convinced he won't get caught. He's hiding in the ruins of a city destroyed by a terrible flood, and, thanks to a mysterious foreigner calling himself the Identity Man, he has a new face, new papers, and a new life. But the city is crawling with corruption. Crooked politicians, gangsters and dirty cops are everywhere, and for some reason Shannon doesn't understand, all of them want him dead. John Shannon has run out of second chances, and now he's running out of time. Moving through the darkness in the burnt-out shambles of a dirty town, he must ferret out the secret of his new... alles anzeigen expand_more

A nationwide manhunt is underway for John Shannon, a petty criminal framed for murder. But he's convinced he won't get caught. He's hiding in the ruins of a city destroyed by a terrible flood, and, thanks to a mysterious foreigner calling himself the Identity Man, he has a new face, new papers, and a new life.

But the city is crawling with corruption. Crooked politicians, gangsters and dirty cops are everywhere, and for some reason Shannon doesn't understand, all of them want him dead.

John Shannon has run out of second chances, and now he's running out of time. Moving through the darkness in the burnt-out shambles of a dirty town, he must ferret out the secret of his new life, before he is left with no life at all.

Andrew Klavan, a two-time Edgar Award-winner, is the author of bestselling crime novels Don't Say a Word, The Animal Hour, True Crime and Damnation Street among other novels. He studied at Berkeley in California, where he also worked as a reporter. He has written twenty-four novels and four films. He lives in southern California.

Klavan is the most original American crime novelist

Klavan knows every twist, turn and pothole on the road to hell. And all the travellers you will meet along the way

A master storyteller

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  • SW9780857892119110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780857892119110164
  • Autor find_in_page Andrew Klavan
  • Autoreninformationen Andrew Klavan, a double Edgar Award-winner, is the bestselling… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Corvus
  • Seitenzahl 352
  • Veröffentlichung 01.11.2010
  • ISBN 9780857892119

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