Lie Still

A New Town Clairmont, Texas is home to some of the South's most wealthy and established families. When Emily Page and her husband Mike move there from New York City, so Mike can become the new sheriff, they believe that it's a place where they can build a new life for themselves. A New Start Pregnant Emily is soon invited to a prestigious lunch hosted by local doyenne Caroline Warwick. There she meets Clairmont's rich housewives, but soon discovers that under the veneer of respectability lies shifting loyalties and dangerous secrets. A Troubled Past When Caroline Warwick disappears, Emily wonders if any of the well-bred Southern ladies in Caroline's circle could have... alles anzeigen expand_more

A New Town

Clairmont, Texas is home to some of the South's most wealthy and established families. When Emily Page and her husband Mike move there from New York City, so Mike can become the new sheriff, they believe that it's a place where they can build a new life for themselves.

A New Start

Pregnant Emily is soon invited to a prestigious lunch hosted by local doyenne Caroline Warwick. There she meets Clairmont's rich housewives, but soon discovers that under the veneer of respectability lies shifting loyalties and dangerous secrets.

A Troubled Past

When Caroline Warwick disappears, Emily wonders if any of the well-bred Southern ladies in Caroline's circle could have wanted her harmed. What was the hold that Caroline had over them and what was Caroline herself trying to hide?

As Emily begins to search for clues about Caroline's disappearance, secrets from her own troubled past start to come to light. Have her problems followed her to Clairmont, or is there something more sinister going on closer to home?

Julia Heaberlin is an award-winning journalist who has worked for such newspapers as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram,The Detroit News andThe Dallas Morning News. She lives in Texas, near Dallas/Fort Worth, with her journalist husband and son.

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  • SW9780571299034110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571299034110164
  • Autor find_in_page Julia Heaberlin
  • Autoreninformationen Julia Heaberlin is the internationally bestselling author of… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 384
  • Veröffentlichung 30.07.2013
  • ISBN 9780571299034

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