Jack Campbell
Earth is no longer the centre of the universe. After the invention of the faster-than-light jump drive, humanity is rapidly establishing new colonies. But the vast distances of space also mean that the old order of protection offered by Earth has ceased to exist. When the colony of Glenlyon is attacked, its up to Robert Geary, a young former junior fleet officer, and Mele Darcy, a former enlisted Marine, to face down warships and armored soldiers - or die trying. Jack Campbell is a retired Naval officer and the author of The Lost Fleet series of military science fiction novels.
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8,49 €
- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781785650413110164
- Artikelnummer SW9781785650413110164
Jack Campbell
- Autoreninformationen Jack Campbell is a retired Naval officer and the author of The Lost… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
Jack Campbell is a retired Naval officer and the author of The Lost Fleet series of military science fiction novels.- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Titan Books
- Seitenzahl 384
- Veröffentlichung 23.05.2017
- ISBN 9781785650413
- Autoreninformationen Jack Campbell is a retired Naval officer and the author of The Lost… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
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