The Village in the Jungle
This novel set in Ceylon follows the lives of a handful of villagers hacking out a fragile existence in a jungle where indiscriminate growth, indifferent fate and malevolent neighbours constantly threaten to overwhelm them. It is as if Thomas Hardy were immersed in the heat, scent, sensuality and pungent mystery of the tropi. Seven years as a colonial administrator gave Woolf first-hand knowledge of the injustice of colonial rule, and an acute psychological sympathy with the villagers. He skilfully incorporates local story-telling traditions and beliefs into his chilling narrative, to create a book which remains one of the best-loved in Sri Lanka to this day.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781780600185110164
- Artikelnummer SW9781780600185110164
Leonard Woolf
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag Eland Publishing
- Seitenzahl 216
- Veröffentlichung 01.12.2012
- ISBN 9781780600185
- Wasserzeichen ja