Short Cuts: Psychology

Navigate Your Way Through Big Ideas

Short Cuts: Psychology
A LAUNCH TITLE FOR ICON BOOKS' BRAND-NEW SHORT CUTS SERIES What with visual illusions and misinformation, positive mindsets and negative thoughts, social anxiety and personal constructs, the modern landscape of the human mind is an intriguing place to explore. But how are you expected to navigate this hidden world? Short Cuts: Psychology provides the map you need to start exploring seriously big ideas. Fifty quickfire questions lead to 'short cut' answers written by experts in their field, with each one the setting-off point for clear directions to help you plot your route through an essential concept. With one-stop graphics presenting a memorable image for each idea, and... alles anzeigen expand_more


What with visual illusions and misinformation, positive mindsets and negative thoughts, social anxiety and personal constructs, the modern landscape of the human mind is an intriguing place to explore. But how are you expected to navigate this hidden world?

Short Cuts: Psychology provides the map you need to start exploring seriously big ideas. Fifty quickfire questions lead to 'short cut' answers written by experts in their field, with each one the setting-off point for clear directions to help you plot your route through an essential concept.

With one-stop graphics presenting a memorable image for each idea, and route-map glossaries explaining key words and their connections, Short Cuts: Psychology will lead you through a world of intellectual wonders.

Jennifer Wild is Professor of Military Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. She holds an affiliate position at the University of Oxford where she developed evidence-based interventions to prevent PTSD for emergency responders, now being delivered internationally. She has written for

Nature news, BBC,

The Times,

The Sunday Times and

The Psychologist. Author of

Be Extraordinary: 7 Key Skills to Transform your Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, Professor Wild applies science to understanding and preventing mental ill health.

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 1. Januar 2030

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  • SW9781785789441110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781785789441110164
  • Autor find_in_page Jennifer Wild
  • Autoreninformationen Jennifer Wild is Professor of Military Mental Health at the… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Icon Books
  • Seitenzahl 160
  • Veröffentlichung 01.01.2030
  • ISBN 9781785789441

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