Rebecca Lenkiewicz: Plays 1

The Night Season; Shoreditch Madonna; Her Naked Skin; The Painter

The Night Season 'The Night Season is unusual; no politics, no issues, no history - just a bold attempt to grapple with the messy nature of living. It's also delightfully, rudely funny.' Financial Times 'Look out for the name Rebecca Lenkiewicz. It's once in a blue moon that a writer gets her second-ever play staged at the National. It's even more remarkable when you wander away at the end, walking on air.... Lenkiewicz is quite extraordinarily talented.' Independent on Sunday Shoreditch Madonna 'A strong absorbing work, full of passion, pathos and sly humour, set in the hip art scene of London's East End... There is a rare combination of pain, wit and originality in... alles anzeigen expand_more

The Night Season

'The Night Season is unusual; no politics, no issues, no history - just a bold attempt to grapple with the messy nature of living. It's also delightfully, rudely funny.' Financial Times

'Look out for the name Rebecca Lenkiewicz. It's once in a blue moon that a writer gets her second-ever play staged at the National. It's even more remarkable when you wander away at the end, walking on air.... Lenkiewicz is quite extraordinarily talented.' Independent on Sunday

Shoreditch Madonna

'A strong absorbing work, full of passion, pathos and sly humour, set in the hip art scene of London's East End... There is a rare combination of pain, wit and originality in Lenkiewicz's writing.' Daily Telegraph

Her Naked Skin

'It is shocking to think that this is the first full-length work by a woman to be seen on the Olivier stage. But Lenkiewicz makes up for lost time by exploring the hunger for political and personal emancipation that fuelled the suffragette movement in 1913... Her play colonises this daunting space with bravura confidence.. Her power lies in her ability to recapture the triumphs and tribulations of a history movement... Lenkiewicz's play plants a defiant feminist flag on the Olivier stage.' Guardian

'This is a big play with a big heart and I recommend it with a matching warmth. Lenkiewicz is making history here and, in so doing, demonstrating that she's got a great future.' Daily Telegraph

The Painter

'An intimate portrait of Turner... Understated and quietly superb.' Independent on Sunday

Rebecca Lenkiewicz

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  • SW9780571302925110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571302925110164
  • Autor find_in_page Rebecca Lenkiewicz
  • Autoreninformationen Rebecca Lenkiewicz's plays include The Night Season (National… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 384
  • Veröffentlichung 15.01.2013
  • ISBN 9780571302925

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