The Latecomer

'Sparkling... funny, it is also cutting, a nearly forensic study of family conflict... both compulsively readable and thought-provoking.'New York Times The Oppenheimer triplets have been reared with every advantage: wealth, education, and the determined attention of at least one of their parents. But they have been desperate to escape each other ever since they were born. Now, on the verge of their departure for college and so close to their long-coveted freedom, the triplets are forced to contend with an unexpected complication: a fourth Oppenheimer sibling has just been born. What has possessed their parents to make such an unfathomable decision? The triplets can't begin to... alles anzeigen expand_more

'Sparkling... funny, it is also cutting, a nearly forensic study of family conflict... both compulsively readable and thought-provoking.'New York Times

The Oppenheimer triplets have been reared with every advantage: wealth, education, and the determined attention of at least one of their parents. But they have been desperate to escape each other ever since they were born.

Now, on the verge of their departure for college and so close to their long-coveted freedom, the triplets are forced to contend with an unexpected complication: a fourth Oppenheimer sibling has just been born. What has possessed their parents to make such an unfathomable decision? The triplets can't begin to imagine the the power this little latecomer is about to exert - nor just how destructive she'll be to their plans . . .

'Korelitz draws us in again, this time with her ease, grace and wit, in a satisfying novel that spans generations, lives, and fates.'Meg Wolitzer


What readers are saying:

'Powerful, beautifully written, and well plotted.'

'Think Succession meets The Goldfinch...such captivating characters and plot with an excellent ending.'

'You don't want to skim over a single word of the exquisitely woven story.'

'This book will definitely stay with me for a long time. I loved it.'

Jean Hanff Korelitz is the author of nine novels, including You Should Have Known (adapted as the 2020 HBO series The Undoing), and The Plot. She and her husband, poet Paul Muldoon, are the parents of two children and live in New York City.

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  • SW9780571376919110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571376919110164
  • Autor find_in_page Jean Hanff Korelitz
  • Autoreninformationen Jean Hanff Korelitz was born and raised in New York City and… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 336
  • Veröffentlichung 05.07.2022
  • ISBN 9780571376919

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