Pioneering Movements

Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches

God's mission needs movement leaders.Jesus pioneered something completely new in human history—a dynamic missionary movement intent on reaching the world. His mission is as clear and as relevant today as in the days of the early church: to make disciples everywhere, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded. But the potential of the church remains untapped. What does it take to lead movements that successfully carry out this mission? In Pioneering Movements, Steve Addison identifies what it takes to follow Jesus' example. Building on his previous books Movements That Change the World and What Jesus Started, he reveals the apostolic qualities and... alles anzeigen expand_more

God's mission needs movement leaders.Jesus pioneered something completely new in human history—a dynamic missionary movement intent on reaching the world. His mission is as clear and as relevant today as in the days of the early church: to make disciples everywhere, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded. But the potential of the church remains untapped. What does it take to lead movements that successfully carry out this mission? In Pioneering Movements, Steve Addison identifies what it takes to follow Jesus' example. Building on his previous books Movements That Change the World and What Jesus Started, he reveals the apostolic qualities and behaviors of biblical, historical, and contemporary pioneers who can guide church and ministry leaders today.

Steve Addison (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) has a calling to fuel movements that multiply disciples and churches—everywhere. He and his wife Michelle lead MOVE, an Australia-based mission agency dedicated to making disciples and multiplying churches around the world. Steve began his research into Christian movements in the late 1980s while serving as a church planter in Melbourne, Australia, and he is the author of Movements That Change the World: Five Keys to Spreading the Gospel and What Jesus Started: Joining the Movement, Changing the World.

Foreword by Dave Ferguson


1. Movement Pioneers Lead from the Inside Out

2. Jesus, Our Apostle and Pioneer

3. Peter, First Among the Apostles

Pioneer Profile: Hudson Taylor and the Second Era of Protestant Missions

4. Structuring for Movements

5. No Place Left in South Asia

Pioneer Profile: William Taylor, Troublemaker and Bishop

6. Five Levels of Movement Leadership

Pioneer Profile: Victor Landero, Columbian Apostle

7. No Place Left in America

8. From Church to Movement

9. No Place Left in the House of Islam

10. What Would It Take to Stop You?


Appendix: Discovery Bible Study and Three-Thirds Discipleship



"Hundreds of thousands of books will be published this year, but only a few have the potential to change the world. This latest book by Steve Addison is one of those few books. Movements of all kinds change our world on a daily basis. Pioneering movements of discipleship are the most powerful movements of all because they change communities of people at the heart level. What Steve has created is a manual to help all of us become the pioneers of these world-changing movements. This book is an essential resource for the missions community."

"The history of global missions is rich and encouraging. Even in this complex age we can learn a great deal from those who have gone before. In Pioneering Movements, Steve Addison provides us with a compelling reminder of the important role godly leaders play in the proliferation of the gospel for God's glory. Addison's book is both instructive and inspirational."

"Steve Addison's third book on movements builds on his previous writings by inviting Christ followers to become 'movement pioneers' wherever they live. Pioneering Movements is filled with examples of such people from the early church, Christian history and modern day movements. Steve makes a compelling case that God can use any Christ follower for disciple making, while also providing simple, practical steps to get started."

"The best thing about this book is the stories and the people—it's all real! This isn't wishful idealism or bland theology. With the type of leadership Steve describes and the powerful presence of the Spirit of God, movements are possible, and God expects and even longs for our participation. As a practitioner, Steve gives us plenty of 'how-tos.' The choice to engage is ours."

"Pioneering Movements paints a picture of the difference between spiritual leaders who start churches and those who launch movements. Addison provides a delicious cross-section of the traits, efforts and focus of men and women, expatriates and nationals who cross that line to spark movements that change their worlds."

"With sensitivity to history and an ability to extract principles from the lives of the apostolic pioneers who have gone before us, Steve gives us an inspirational peek into movements and the people who lead them."

"Multiplying movements are the key to fulfilling the Great Commission. In Pioneering Movements, Steve Addison unpacks the leadership required to spark and sustain movements of disciples and churches. I love this book! It is biblically sound, practical and inspiring."

"Pioneering Movements will be particularly helpful for church leaders who long to claim a city or region for Christ. Through the powerful stories of God multiplying churches throughout the world, the book will give you a fresh vision for what the Lord may choose to do in your backyard for the glory of God."

"Addison's work will be useful to church planters, church planting team leaders, and pastors. The book is not just focused on church planting, but on disciple-making in general as well. As such, it has practical application in any local church, both traditional and non-traditional. The book contains simple and reproducible strategies for connecting with people and involving them in obedience-based discipleship and Bible studies. . . . If multiplication of churches and disciples is the goal of your team or church staff, then Pioneering Movements along with Addison's other books are important ones to read together." weniger anzeigen expand_less
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  • SW9780830898978110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780830898978110164
  • Autor find_in_page Steve Addison
  • Mit find_in_page Dave Ferguson
  • Autoreninformationen Steve Addison (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) has a calling to… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page IVP
  • Seitenzahl 192
  • Veröffentlichung 09.11.2015
  • ISBN 9780830898978

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