Night Light

"Night Light" weaves a magical tale of friendship and self-discovery as Emma and friends unlock the secrets behind a mysterious Night Light. With celestial realms, luminescent creatures, and a looming darkness, the story invites readers on a captivating journey where courage meets magic, and the power of light triumphs over shadows. Will they save their town from eternal night? Join this enchanting adventure of hope and resilience. Parth Siddhpura is an Indian musician, author, and publisher known for his versatile contributions to music and literature. Through his independent record label, Siddhpura has produced an array of popular works, captivating listeners with his... alles anzeigen expand_more

"Night Light" weaves a magical tale of friendship and self-discovery as Emma and friends unlock the secrets behind a mysterious Night Light. With celestial realms, luminescent creatures, and a looming darkness, the story invites readers on a captivating journey where courage meets magic, and the power of light triumphs over shadows. Will they save their town from eternal night? Join this enchanting adventure of hope and resilience.

Parth Siddhpura is an Indian musician, author, and publisher known for his versatile contributions to music and literature. Through his independent record label, Siddhpura has produced an array of popular works, captivating listeners with his distinctive musical approach and establishing himself as a significant figure in the industry. As an author, Siddhpura's novels have garnered attention for their depth and imaginative storytelling, resonating with a wide audience. Balancing his roles as a musician, writer, and publisher, Siddhpura continues to inspire with his creative vision and commitment to the arts, leaving a notable impact on contemporary Indian entertainment.

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  • SW9783384131232110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783384131232110164
  • Autor find_in_page Parth Siddhpura
  • Autoreninformationen Parth Siddhpura is an Indian musician, author, and publisher known… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page tredition
  • Seitenzahl 17
  • Veröffentlichung 05.02.2024
  • ISBN 9783384131232

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