Loving the Way Jesus Loves

Most people are familiar with the "love chapter" of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, yet Phil Ryken has something fresh to say. Drawing on the life and ministry of Jesus to illustrate what love is and isn't, Ryken brings a unique perspective to this commonly quoted passage.  Loving the Way Jesus Loves successfully integrates biblical teaching, photography, chapter study guides, and a popular-level writing style–all of which will help you understand the profound love of Christ more deeply and, in turn, learn to love more deeply in response. Philip Graham Ryken (DPhil, University of Oxford) is the eighth president of Wheaton College. He preached at Philadelphia's Tenth... alles anzeigen expand_more

Most people are familiar with the "love chapter" of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, yet Phil Ryken has something fresh to say. Drawing on the life and ministry of Jesus to illustrate what love is and isn't, Ryken brings a unique perspective to this commonly quoted passage. 

Loving the Way Jesus Loves successfully integrates biblical teaching, photography, chapter study guides, and a popular-level writing style–all of which will help you understand the profound love of Christ more deeply and, in turn, learn to love more deeply in response.

Philip Graham Ryken (DPhil, University of Oxford) is the eighth president of Wheaton College. He preached at Philadelphia's Tenth Presbyterian Church from 1995 until his appointment at Wheaton in 2010. Ryken has published more than fifty books, including When Trouble Comes and expository commentaries on Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and Jeremiah. He serves as a board member for the Gospel Coalition and the Lausanne Movement.

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  • SW9781433524844110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781433524844110164
  • Autor find_in_page Philip Graham Ryken
  • Autoreninformationen Philip Graham Ryken (DPhil, University of Oxford) is the eighth… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page Crossway
  • Seitenzahl 224
  • Veröffentlichung 31.01.2012
  • ISBN 9781433524844

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