Jesus or Nothing

It's time to make a choice... Many young adults are abandoning the Christian faith, convinced that it's an outdated and uneducated belief system. In this compelling address, Dan DeWitt counters these misconceptions and challenges us to think carefully about the choice between Jesus or nothing by comparing the Christian worldview to the notion of a godless universe devoid of true goodness and ultimate significance. This winsome book describes the rock-solid foundation for life that Christians enjoy in and through the gospel—offering an explanation for our existence, grace for our guilt, and meaning for our mortality. Dan DeWitt (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological... alles anzeigen expand_more

It's time to make a choice...

Many young adults are abandoning the Christian faith, convinced that it's an outdated and uneducated belief system. In this compelling address, Dan DeWitt counters these misconceptions and challenges us to think carefully about the choice between Jesus or nothing by comparing the Christian worldview to the notion of a godless universe devoid of true goodness and ultimate significance.

This winsome book describes the rock-solid foundation for life that Christians enjoy in and through the gospel—offering an explanation for our existence, grace for our guilt, and meaning for our mortality.

Dan DeWitt (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of applied theology and apologetics and director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity at Cedarville University. He blogs regularly at

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  • SW9781433540493110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781433540493110164
  • Autor find_in_page Dan DeWitt
  • Mit find_in_page Russell Moore
  • Autoreninformationen Dan DeWitt (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page Crossway
  • Seitenzahl 144
  • Veröffentlichung 30.04.2014
  • ISBN 9781433540493

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