The Christian Homemaker's Handbook

This one-stop reference tool gives you tips and training on everything from meal planning to interior decorating, biblical womanhood to budgeting, so that you can become a holistic homemaker! It features practical teaching from Scripture, instructions for do-it-yourself projects, application questions, helpful resources, a comprehensive index, and more. With nearly 50 years of marriage experience, 30 years of college-level home economics instruction, and a commitment to biblical womanhood, the editors of The Christian Homemaker's Handbook have compiled the comprehensive manual for today's woman and her home. Pat Ennis (EdD, Northern Arizona University) is the distinguished... alles anzeigen expand_more

This one-stop reference tool gives you tips and training on everything from meal planning to interior decorating, biblical womanhood to budgeting, so that you can become a holistic homemaker! It features practical teaching from Scripture, instructions for do-it-yourself projects, application questions, helpful resources, a comprehensive index, and more.

With nearly 50 years of marriage experience, 30 years of college-level home economics instruction, and a commitment to biblical womanhood, the editors of The Christian Homemaker's Handbook have compiled the comprehensive manual for today's woman and her home.

Pat Ennis (EdD, Northern Arizona University) is the distinguished professor and director of homemaking programs at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She previously served as the establishing chair of the Home economics/family and consumer science department at the Master's University. She has authored or coauthored several books, resides in Burleson, Texas, and blogs at

 Dorothy Kelley Patterson (DTheol, University of South Africa) is professor of theology in women's studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, where her husband, Paige Patterson, is the president. She is the author of many books, an active homemaker, a frequent speaker and Bible teacher at women's conferences, and a mother and grandmother.

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