Media, Journalism, and Communication

A Student's Guide

In an age of accelerating information and increasing technology, media matters more now than ever. In this book, Read Mercer Schuchardt helps us navigate the digital age from a distinctly Christian perspective, offering guidance for becoming wise users of media rather than simply being used by media. Highlighting the importance of studying and understanding communication arts and how they are changing, this book will help you think creatively about using media effectively for the sake of the gospel, the church, and the world. Part of the Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition series. Read Mercer Schuchardt (PhD, New York University) is associate professor of... alles anzeigen expand_more

In an age of accelerating information and increasing technology, media matters more now than ever.

In this book, Read Mercer Schuchardt helps us navigate the digital age from a distinctly Christian perspective, offering guidance for becoming wise users of media rather than simply being used by media. Highlighting the importance of studying and understanding communication arts and how they are changing, this book will help you think creatively about using media effectively for the sake of the gospel, the church, and the world.

Part of the Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition series.

Read Mercer Schuchardt (PhD, New York University) is associate professor of communication at Wheaton College. He earned his doctorate under the invitation of the late Neil Postman at NYU's Media Ecology program. He is also a member of the Media Ecology Association and the International Jacques Ellul Society. Schuchardt is a contributor to several books on communication and media theory, is the editor of You Do Not Talk About Fight Club, and the co-founder and editorial chair of the online journal Second Nature. He and his wife, Rachel, have ten children.

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  • SW9781433535178110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781433535178110164
  • Autor find_in_page Read Mercer Schuchardt
  • Mit find_in_page David S. Dockery
  • Autoreninformationen Read Mercer Schuchardt (PhD, New York University) is associate… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page Crossway
  • Seitenzahl 128
  • Veröffentlichung 15.03.2018
  • ISBN 9781433535178

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