Games With Your Dog

For Indoors and Out

Do you like playing games with your dog? Here is the indoor and outdoor schedule to overcome boredom and provide lots of fun! Whether it's in the park, in your own garden or in the living room – with this comprehensive book of games you can occupy your dog appropriately at any time with new commands, tricks and mental exercises. Lots of step-by-step instructions with pictures will always banish boredom and you can see the time required, level of difficulty and space needed for the game at a glance. Exercise courses fit for the Olympics, daring feats with lots of tricks or also brain-teasers will give new impetus to the everyday life of your dog – when you go out for a... alles anzeigen expand_more

Do you like playing games with your dog? Here is the indoor and outdoor schedule to overcome boredom and provide lots of fun!

Whether it's in the park, in your own garden or in the living room – with this comprehensive book of games you can occupy your dog appropriately at any time with new commands, tricks and mental exercises. Lots of step-by-step instructions with pictures will always banish boredom and you can see the time required, level of difficulty and space needed for the game at a glance. Exercise courses fit for the Olympics, daring feats with lots of tricks or also brain-teasers will give new impetus to the everyday life of your dog – when you go out for a walk in the sunshine or are at home when it's raining or there's a storm!

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  • SW9781846893872110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781846893872110164
  • Autor find_in_page Anja Jakob, Cordula Weiss
  • Autoreninformationen Anja Jakob has specialised in games, sport and fun for intelligent… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Quiller
  • Seitenzahl 160
  • Veröffentlichung 14.01.2024
  • ISBN 9781846893872

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