
The Order - Book 4

Right after her arrival in Takhan Eryn has to face a shocking revelation. Then there is a rather tense relationship with Ram’an as well as the tedious preparations for the last healer exam with Sarol, who considers mediocre performance a personal insult. While Enric is getting to grips with his role as Head of House Aren and senator and Vern seems to have found in Takhan his ideal home, Eryn is still fighting to somehow cope with her anger. A.C. Donaubauer lives in Vienna, Austria and works as a translator and as a trainer in adult education. While in the first thirty years of her life her literary ambitions were limited to the occasional satiric poem or short story, this... alles anzeigen expand_more

Right after her arrival in Takhan Eryn has to face a shocking revelation. Then there is a rather tense relationship with Ram’an as well as the tedious preparations for the last healer exam with Sarol, who considers mediocre performance a personal insult. While Enric is getting to grips with his role as Head of House Aren and senator and Vern seems to have found in Takhan his ideal home, Eryn is still fighting to somehow cope with her anger.

A.C. Donaubauer lives in Vienna, Austria and works as a translator and as a trainer in adult education. While in the first thirty years of her life her literary ambitions were limited to the occasional satiric poem or short story, this changed for no other reason than that inspiration suddenly struck.

Eryn faces another challence - but this time the Order is not to blame...

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