Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine

This publication addresses the pressing issues of vocational teacher education (VTE), focusing on institutional, organizational and governance aspects. Firstly, it summarizes the results of the four-year Erasmus+ capacity-building project "New Mechanisms of Partnership-based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine" (PAGOSTE), funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. The project's focus has been governance in VTE in Ukraine. Secondly, it goes beyond the narrow project context and explores challenges as well as good practices in VTE systems of other countries in and outside of Europe. Therefore, contributions from England,... alles anzeigen expand_more

This publication addresses the pressing issues of vocational teacher education (VTE), focusing on institutional, organizational and governance aspects.

Firstly, it summarizes the results of the four-year Erasmus+ capacity-building project "New Mechanisms of Partnership-based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine" (PAGOSTE), funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. The project's focus has been governance in VTE in Ukraine. Secondly, it goes beyond the narrow project context and explores challenges as well as good practices in VTE systems of other countries in and outside of Europe.

Therefore, contributions from England, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland complement the Ukrainian context and provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of VTE systems.

Thomas Deissinger, Professor of Business and Economics Education at the University of Konstanz, specializes in the history of vocational education and training (VET), VET policy, and comparative VET, including two EU projects on VET teacher education.

Oksana Melnyk is a postdoc researcher at the University of Konstanz. She specializes in changes in vocational education systems, international cooperation in vocational education and training, and vocational teacher training.

Oksen Lisovyi


Thomas Deissinger & Oksana Melnyk


Lena Freidorfer & Philipp Gonon

The Vocational School Teacher (VET Teacher) Training System in Switzerland

Erica Smith

VET Teacher Education in Australia: Three Levels across Two Sectors

Kevin Orr & Nena Skrbic

Initial Teacher Education in the English Further Education Sector: Continuity and Crisis

Selena Chan

Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) in Aotearoa New Zealand: Implication on the Educators of VET Teachers

Thomas Deissinger & Oksana Melnyk

Vocational Teacher Training in Germany from the Governance Perspective

Richard Fortmüller

Standards in Vocational Education and Teacher Training in Austria

Paolo Di Rienzo & Giovanni Serra

Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Strategic Competences and Teacher Professionalisation

Svitlana Tsymbaliuk, Maryna Artiushyna, Oksana Sarkisova, Tetiana Shkoda & Larysa Korvat

Institutional Changes and Partnership-Based Governance at KNEU

Valentin Usov, Tetiana Petukhova, Volodymyr Chernykh & Viktoriia Kozak

Implementation of Cooperation and Partnership in the Training of Teachers of Vocational and Technical Education

Mykola Dmytrychenko, Nataliia Bondar, Oleksandr Hryshchuk, Khalidakhon Bakhtiyarova & Lesia Shevchuk

Using New Approaches Based on Partnership in Training Vocational Teachers of Transport at NTU

Olena Kovalenko, Nataliia Briukhanova, Liudmyla Shtefan, Tatiana Bondarenko, Hanna Korniush & Nataliia Korolova

Establishing Excellence in Vocational Education Teacher Training at Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (UEPA)

Valentyna Radkevych, Viktoriia Kruchek, Mykola Pryhodii & Daria Voronina-Pryhodii

Standards in Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine: Problems and Fields of Tension

Oleksandr Kupriyanov, Tetiana Bondarenko, Halyna Yelnykova, Denys Kovalenko, Roman Nesterenko & Tetiana Ruslanova

Civil Society and Policy Dialogue in Vocational Education and Training

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