The Magnet Motor

Making Free Energy Yourself Edition 2019

The Magnet Motor - Making Free Energy Yourself - New extended updated Edition 2019 as eBook. With 3D models, bonus downloads, material list, pictures, drawings, tool list, shopping list, patents and much more. From Infinity SAV 1KW magnetic generator to Friedrich Lüling, Howard Johnson, Muammer Yildiz, Mike Brady, V-Gate magnet motor, Premium magnet motor model for mobile phones and much more magnet motors. Simply find the suitable version for yourself to build a magnet motor, in which you simply experiment and on the basis of different magnet motor models. If you are really interested in building a magnetic motor, this book of the new Edition 2019 will help you with... alles anzeigen expand_more

The Magnet Motor - Making Free Energy Yourself - New extended updated Edition 2019 as eBook. With 3D models, bonus downloads, material list, pictures, drawings, tool list, shopping list, patents and much more.

From Infinity SAV 1KW magnetic generator to Friedrich Lüling, Howard Johnson, Muammer Yildiz, Mike Brady, V-Gate magnet motor, Premium magnet motor model for mobile phones and much more magnet motors. Simply find the suitable version for yourself to build a magnet motor, in which you simply experiment and on the basis of different magnet motor models.

If you are really interested in building a magnetic motor, this book of the new Edition 2019 will help you with our 3D models. You can then download them and print them optionally on a 3D printer, for example. If you also look at the 3D models on your PC, you can take a close look at every part of them. So it is much easier for you to build your own magnet motor! Here in this book we provide you with some 3D models!

In this book you will also receive further magnet motor premium construction manuals as a bonus download!

This book is also intended to give an insight into free energy to people who have not yet been so familiar with free energy and magnetic motors.

Discover the world of free energy and the technology of magnetic motors yourself with this book.

Just make your own picture of it, even if many people are against magnetic motors. Later in this book, we will go into much more detail on the subject: magnet motors and how to build an attempt at such a motor.

In this book you will simply learn the basic tools, materials for the attempt to build a magnetic motor. In this 2019 edition, you will also learn more about patent specifications and the knowledge of other models.

You won't find this gigantic magnet motor complete package anywhere else and it was made available especially for you here in this book. An interesting book for hobbyists and technology enthusiasts!

Patrick Weinand stellt seit 2014 neue und umfangreiche Informationen und Hintergrundwissen über Freie Energie bereit und setzt sich für die Freie Energie ein. Desweiteren hat er auch noch verschiedene andere Uhrenlehrbücher, Technik und Ratgeberbücher geschrieben und überarbeitet. Zum Beispiel Honigschleuder selber bauen und noch weitere Selbstbau-Bücher und Ratgeber.

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  • SW9783750200821110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783750200821110164
  • Autor find_in_page Patrick Weinand-Diez, Sonja Weinand
  • Autoreninformationen Patrick Weinand-Diez stellt seit 2016 neue und umfangreiche… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page epubli
  • Seitenzahl 255
  • Veröffentlichung 05.09.2019
  • ISBN 9783750200821

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