The Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith

Illustrated Edition

"The Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith" is a novel about Pocahontas, a Native American woman, belonging to the Powhatan people, notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. She was the daughter of Powhatan, the paramount chief of a network of tributary tribes in the Tsenacommacah, encompassing the Tidewater region of Virginia. In a well-known historical anecdote, she is said to have saved the life of an Indian captive, Englishman John Smith, in 1607 by placing her head upon his own when her father raised his war club to execute him. The Animedia Company ebook edition is magnificently illustrated by Elmer Boyd Smith... alles anzeigen expand_more

"The Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith" is a novel about Pocahontas, a Native American woman, belonging to the Powhatan people, notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. She was the daughter of Powhatan, the paramount chief of a network of tributary tribes in the Tsenacommacah, encompassing the Tidewater region of Virginia.

In a well-known historical anecdote, she is said to have saved the life of an Indian captive, Englishman John Smith, in 1607 by placing her head upon his own when her father raised his war club to execute him.

The Animedia Company ebook edition is magnificently illustrated by Elmer Boyd Smith (1860-1943), who had also retold this story.

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