Now & Then
and Other Tales from Ome
30 black-and-white illustrations. Boston Globe -- "A highly original collection of short stories -- sometimes humorous, sometimes profound." Philadelphia Daily News -- "Seltzer has produced four charming stories for, he suggests, children around the age of nine. Adults will find the book has its appeal too: My favorite story is the one about the little princess who had a nice mother and was very happy and therefore very unhappy because how could Prince Charming come and rescue her if there was nothing to rescue her from?"
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9781455349784450914
- Artikelnummer SW9781455349784450914
- Autor Richard Seltzer
- Verlag Seltzer Books
- Seitenzahl 64
- Veröffentlichung 01.03.2018
- ISBN 9781455349784