The Green Mouse
To the literary, literal, and scientific mind purposeless fiction is abhorrent. Fortunately we all are literally and scientifically inclined; the doom of purposeless fiction is sounded; and it is a great comfort to believe that, in the near future, only literary and scientific works suitable for man, woman, child, and suffragette, are to adorn the lingerie-laden counters in our great department shops. It is, then, with animation and confidence that the author politely offers to a regenerated nation this modern, moral, literary, and highly scientific work, thinly but ineffectually disguised as fiction, in deference to the prejudices of a few old-fashioned story-readers who still survive among us. -- R.W.C.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9789635223725450914
- Artikelnummer SW9789635223725450914
Robert William Chambers
- Verlag Booklassic
- Seitenzahl 91
- Veröffentlichung 12.06.2015
- ISBN 9789635223725
- Verlag Booklassic