ex machina


One day my daughter came home with the homework to write a "short story". Only the first sentence was given. Since she couldn't think of anything, I spontaneously wanted to help her and said: "Pick any person or object, then let your imagination run wild." In the end, I made the joke of choosing a vending machine as main character. The result was this story. Christian Ruf grew up in christian youth work and was already enthusiastic about "campfire stories" by candlelight as a child, which he was later able to tell with passion himself. In addition to his writing, he actually works full-time as an engineer... Christian was born in 1973, is the father of two children and lives with... alles anzeigen expand_more

One day my daughter came home with the homework to write a "short story". Only the first sentence was given. Since she couldn't think of anything, I spontaneously wanted to help her and said: "Pick any person or object, then let your imagination run wild." In the end, I made the joke of choosing a vending machine as main character. The result was this story.

Christian Ruf grew up in christian youth work and was already enthusiastic about "campfire stories" by candlelight as a child, which he was later able to tell with passion himself. In addition to his writing, he actually works full-time as an engineer... Christian was born in 1973, is the father of two children and lives with his family in Germany.

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  • SW9783756591268110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783756591268110164
  • Autor find_in_page Christian Ruf
  • Autoreninformationen Christian Ruf grew up in christian youth work and was already… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page neobooks
  • Seitenzahl 11
  • Veröffentlichung 19.11.2024
  • ISBN 9783756591268

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