This work contains an active table of contents (HTML), which makes reading easier to make it more enjoyable. Moby-Dick is an 1851 novel by Herman Melville. The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the whaling ship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby-Dick, a white whale of tremendous size and ferocity. Comparatively few whaling ships know of Moby-Dick, and fewer yet have encountered him. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to exact revenge.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9782378075132
- Artikelnummer SW9782378075132
Herman Melville, Prometheus Classics
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag find_in_page Prometheus Classics
- Seitenzahl 750
- Veröffentlichung 14.11.2017
- ISBN 9782378075132
- Wasserzeichen ja
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