Theaterstück. Deutsch/Englisch

DE: DIE BARACKE – Übersetzer: Frank Weigand EN: THE SHACK – Translator, Kate McNaughton Editor: Union des Théâtres de l´Europe TERRORisms is a cooperation project led by the “Union des Théâtres de l´Europe” with the support of the “Culture” programme of the European Union. Developed in collaboration between five theatres in Stuttgart, Oslo, Belgrade, Tel Aviv and Reims, the TERRORisms project resulted in the creation of five original plays dealing with the issue of terrorism. Written over the period of 2013 through 2015, the plays by Fritz Kater in Stuttgart, Milena Marković in Belgrade,... alles anzeigen expand_more

DE: DIE BARACKE – Übersetzer: Frank Weigand

EN: THE SHACK – Translator, Kate McNaughton

Editor: Union des Théâtres de l´Europe

TERRORisms is a cooperation project led by the “Union des Théâtres de l´Europe” with the support of the “Culture” programme of the European Union. Developed in collaboration between five theatres in Stuttgart, Oslo, Belgrade, Tel Aviv and Reims, the TERRORisms project resulted in the creation of five original plays dealing with the issue of terrorism.

Written over the period of 2013 through 2015, the plays by Fritz Kater in Stuttgart, Milena Marković in Belgrade, Maya Arad in Tel Aviv, Jonas Corell Petersen in Oslo and Aiat Fayez in Reims led to the organisation of a series of world premieres, production exchanges, meetings, conferences and discussions all around Europe and beyond.

These five plays — the original version and their translations into English and German — are now available as an eBook, for free.

Aiat Fayez was born in 1979. He is an author and playwright from France, where he studied philosophy in Paris. In 2009, he published his first book — Cycles des manières de mourir. He left his home country in 2010 and settled in Austria, where he has devoted himself to writing novels and plays. His first play, Les corps étrangers, was published in 2011. A year later, he published his second novel Terre vaine. His third play, Un autre, was published in 2014, while his newest play, La Baraque, was published in 2015.

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