This book traces a scientific biography and thus reflects the development of gender-sensitive political science: its origins in Critical Theory with its visible connection to its paradigms, political science's preoccupation with work as the central 'crux' of gender-specific theory and politics, the discussion of political socialization as an obstacle and simultaneous starting point for women-specific emancipation, and finally globalization in its significance as an opportunity and danger for a gender-equitable democracy.This is why, for Christine Kulke, this commemorative volume also presents central themes of gender-specific political science: a commemorative volume and a kaleidoscope worth reading.
PD Dr. Brigitte Geissel, WZB/Åbo-Akademi (ab 1. Okt. 2008 TU Darmstadt), derzeit Gast-Professorin.
Dr. Alexandra Manske, TU Berlin, Wissenschaftliche Angestellte
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW9783863882860110164
- Artikelnummer SW9783863882860110164
Brigitte Geißel, Alexandra Manske
- Verlag find_in_page Budrich UniPress
- Seitenzahl 197
- Veröffentlichung 25.09.2008
- ISBN 9783863882860
- Verlag find_in_page Budrich UniPress
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